Thursday, December 4, 2008

Is there poison in your cookie?

On frosty winter days I love to bake cookies. The aroma fills the kitchen and brightens my spirits. I look forward to that first warm bite of a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie and the refreshment of a cold glass of milk. Mmmmm.

We live in such abundance in this country. We have the luxury of books, movies and freshly baked cookies. Compared to much of the world, we live like kings and queens. Recently we watched the movie, Ratatouille, in which the main character, Remy (a rat), is delegated to be the food taster for all the rest of the rats because he has a special gift sniffing out rat poison. Before eating any morsels, each rat presents its food to Remy, who determines if it is safe to eat or not – somewhat similar to when kings had food tasters to prevent being poisoned by the enemy.

God tells us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. In other words, we are carriers of the presence of God. What we ‘feed’ ourselves affects the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, and affects our lives as well.

I Peter 1:15-16
But as the One Who called you is holy, you yourselves also be holy in all your conduct and manner of living. For it is written, You shall be holy, for I am holy.

Are we living holy lives even in the choices we make as to the books we read or which movies we see? “Character and conduct begin in the mind. Our actions are affected by the things we dwell on in our thoughts.” {author unknown} What affects our thoughts? The things we see or experience. That includes books and movies. They aren’t harmless forms of entertainment. Their content influences our thoughts and therefore our character and conduct.

Ephesians 5:1, 11
Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children. Take no part in and have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but instead let your lives be so in contrast as to expose and reprove and convict them.

II Corinthians 7:1
….let us cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates and defiles body and spirit, and bring our consecration to completeness in the (reverential) fear of God.

So how do we determine what is safe to ‘consume’? After Jesus died on the cross for our sins, He sent His Holy Spirit to guide and to teach all believers what is good and what is evil (John 14 and 16). In addition, the scriptures are filled with teachings on what is righteous and unrighteousness. If you want just a short snippet of guidance, read Ephesians 5.

So when it comes to our choices of entertainment, we have two forms of quality control. Just like a taste tester, if we submit those choices to God and ask for His wisdom, the Holy Spirit will warn us about what is poison (ungodly) and what is healthy (godly). God’s standards for choosing are in His Word – the Bible. The more we read His Word and learn what pleases Him, the easier it becomes to make choices that honor Him. We’re going to make mistakes. God knows that. He’s looking at our hearts to see if our intent is to please Him. God’s Word says that our hearts are deceitful and we can’t always trust ourselves to make wise choices - another reason for studying the Word and asking for wisdom.

If we call Jesus Christ our Savior, is He also Lord of our lives? Of all of our choices? Even books and movies?

Like a freshly baked cookie, does the latest movie or new bestseller smell good to you? Are you tempted to read it, before running it past the ‘taste tester’ (God’s Word, the Holy Spirit)?

Before you take a bite, ask yourself, ‘Is there poison in that cookie?’

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Which side of the fence are you on?

Which side of the fence are you on?

Let me share a true story about a mom at my son’s Christian school. Three years ago she felt led by the Lord to set up a booth at our school’s Fall Festival. The sole purpose of the booth was to draw children and adults closer to God. Her first booth offered fair-goers the opportunity to post prayer requests on a large wooden cross. Then every hour, those who were gathered at the booth would hold hands and pray for the prayer requests, the school, and the nation.

Last year she created a large gold crown and affirmed the children’s identity in Christ by allowing them to choose a ‘gemstone’ and glue it on the crown. Malachi 3:17 says that we are His jewels.

This year I arrived at the festival early to help set up a booth, and the first thing that caught my eye was her booth. It was right in the center of the field with a large black and white sign that read “Got Jesus?” I couldn't wait to see what creative idea she had this year.

“Well the theme was….It’s as simple as black and white, either you serve Him or you don’t….It’s a daily choice.” What caught my eye was her very effective visual representation of the scriptures she chose. In front of the booth was a section of a picket fence. One side was painted white and the other side painted black. Children and adults could write their names on the white side of the fence indicating that Jesus is their Savior and Lord. On the black side they could stick a colored heart or cross to indicate someone they knew who was not yet saved. Above their heads was the scripture from Deuteronomy 31:11, “I have set before you life and death – choose life.”

Her second scripture was from Revelation 3:15, “I know your deeds that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other.” Again, the stark contrast of the black side versus the white side of the fence made it clear that we cannot sit on the fence. Each day we make choices that either serve God or serve Satan. It was quite convicting.

Her third scripture was from Joshua 24:15, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.” She told me that as people approached the booth, she realized that she should not just assume that since this is a festival at a Christian school that everyone is saved. So she began to ask people if they had accepted Christ as their Savior. As a result of her asking, she led at least 15 people to the Lord that afternoon. Fifteen names were added to the white side of the fence instead of the black side. I was speechless.

She later told me that the following week a 4th grade girl came up to her at school and told her that she wanted to ask Jesus into her heart. So she took the child out in the hallway and asked, “Why?” The student said that two of her friends had committed their lives to Christ at the Fall Festival booth. After her friends told her that, the student had a desire all weekend to do the same. So when she saw this mom volunteering in her classroom, the student knew the time was right and asked the mom to pray with her. So right then the mom led this girl to the Lord. Immediately afterward the mom took the child back into the classroom and the student gave her testimony to the entire class. When the mom told the class that when someone comes to the Lord all the angels in heaven rejoice (Luke 15:10) all the students clapped!

What a difference one mom has made because she obeyed the Lord’s prompting three years ago to create a booth at a school festival that honors God. Sixteen people now have the reward of eternal life when they die. Her passion to serve the Lord at our school is truly amazing, and I wanted to share her testimony with you. She is an outstanding example of living a Christ-centered life.

Romans 3:23 says we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23).

John 3:17 says, “For God did not send the Son [Jesus] into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world, but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him [Christ Jesus].

The Bible says that God doesn’t want anyone to perish. Anyone – that means you and me. That means God loves all of us. It’s a simple matter of choosing today whom you will serve. It’s a free gift of grace, not works. Ephesians 2:8-9 says we are saved by grace through faith. This is not the result of anything we do, or we would have the right to boast about it. It’s a free gift of God’s love and grace – simply by believing that Christ died for us and paid the price for our sins. Why would anyone want to pass up that offer?

Which side of the fence are you on?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Praise Him in the Storm? You're kidding, right?

This afternoon I was sitting in my car waiting for someone and a new acquaintance came over to my car window to chat. Even though she is going through a difficult time with a family member, she was radiant. Her testimony is very enlightening. She has cried many tears over her difficult situation, but recently discovered how uplifting it is to read the Word of God. Now she is actually thanking God for her troubles at home because they caused her to discover a new, closer relationship to the Lord through reading scriptures. Instead of focusing on the trouble, she has allowed the trouble to focus her on God. As she discovers who God is through what He has written, she is being filled with faith. Her increased faith is carrying her through the trouble with peace and joy. She is truly a walking testimony of being salt and light. It was such a joy to see her radiate that peace as she spoke.

James 1:2-4
Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfectly and fully developed (with no defects), lacking nothing.

Phillipians 4:6
Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. And God's peace (shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace) which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Years ago I remember complaining on the phone to my spiritual mentor about a terrible situation I was in. "Can you praise Him in the middle of this?" asked my mentor. Praise Him? What for, I thought. He could have prevented this mess! But over the years I am learning that we will get through the situation with much more peace if we trust that God is in the situation with us, even when we don't sense His presence. When we praise Him, we are trusting Him. When we praise Him in spite of our situation, we are entrusting the problem to Him. Besides, which way do you want to face your trials? With peace and joy, knowing that He has the solutions if we will draw near to Him. Or with anger, bitterness and resentment?

There are several scriptures that tell us that God is hidden in the dark clouds.

Can you praise Him in your storm today?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Where did He go??

Where did He go?

Ever have those days/weeks when it seems like God got up and left? He just disappeared? For a while you were feeling like the two of you were tracking together and then poof! He just vanished in thin air? Where did You go, God?

Then if you mention it to someone, they might come at you with, “Well, who moved?” What they are implying is that perhaps you were slacking off in your quiet time with God. Or possibly you have unconfessed sin in your life. Hmmmm…. While it could be that, and it’s worth checking that out, if you do a thorough soul searching and turn up empty in those two categories, there could be third possibility.

It’s just possible that God did move! “What?” you ask. “That’s not what I learned in Sunday School. The Bible says He will never leave us or forsake us. Right? Well, that is correct. But what if He hasn’t left, but just moved down the hallway into another room? You’re still in the same house, but He’s moved elsewhere so that you will follow Him?

To continue with the analogy of the house – suppose you are a brand new Christian. Pardon me for mentioning the smallest room in your house, but for the purposes of illustration, when you commit your life to Christ it is sort of like you have met God in the bathroom of your life. He cleans you up of sin and declares you are forgiven. You now have a clean white board in your soul and He wants to start writing His plans on it.

You are so happy with your new gift of eternal life that you are content to keep checking it out in the mirror and running the living water over your hands. It’s a great feeling to know that when you die, you will spend eternity in Heaven with God. You start receiving quick answers to your prayers. Life is good.

But a day comes when the light in the bathroom starts to fade a bit and you begin to sense that you are the only one in the room. The newness is wearing off and you are beginning to have to wait longer to see prayers answered. Did God go on vacation?

What has probably happened is that while you were checking out your new eternal ‘do’ in the mirror, God slipped out the door and quietly walked down the hallway. He’s still in your life. He hasn’t left you or forsaken you. But you’ll have to open the door and step out into the hallway to sense His presence again. It’s for your own good, of course. He has other rooms to show you, other places for you to explore and other people for you to meet. But those experiences will not happen if you stay in that small room.

Practically speaking what am I talking about, you ask. How do you know which way He went? Was it left or right down the hallway? Here’s what works for me. First, just being aware of what is happening helps me not to take it personally and keeps me from getting angry at God. His heart is always to bless us and grow us up to higher levels of maturity and closeness to Him. So I have to consciously let go of my comfort zone – the place that I have been occupying for the last few months or so – and work at accepting that I need to ‘pack my bags’ like Abraham and go wherever God is leading me. Like Abraham, I just need to obey and start moving forward however God leads me. I am not saying this is easy. But there are blessings and a deeper knowledge of Him just around the corner, if I don’t drag my feet or whine and complain that I really wish we could just keep things like they were.

With a sigh, I begin to embrace the idea that change is coming. Sometimes that takes a bit of time. I go through my checklist – am I still having a daily quiet time with God? Am I spending time thanking and praising Him first before laying my burdens at His feet? Did He ask me to do something a few weeks ago and I never quite got around to it? (That really motivates me to get it done.) Is there unforgiveness in my heart toward someone? You get the picture.

If I cannot find anything amiss, then I have to tell myself to continue reading His Word and seeking Him. He’s about to move me to a new level of spiritual maturity if I don’t give up or get impatient and angry. He is trusting me with His silence. Can I trust that He is still watching over me even when it seems like He’s on another continent? It forces me to a new level of faith and trust that my needs are still being met. It forces me to stand on His Word in the midst of what seems to be heavenly inactivity.
Here are some scriptures that I run back to in those trying times. Romans 8:28, Philippians 4:6, 13, 19, Psalm 46:10 and Jeremiah 33:3. You probably have your favorites, too. I remind myself that He HASN’T left me even when I don’t sense His presence. I try to spend more time just sitting in His presence or meditating on a scripture that is comforting. And I just wait.

Patience is not something that comes easily to most of us, however in the waiting my spiritual ‘antennae’ are being sensitized in new ways. God has something new to teach me, if I will just be still and continue to seek Him. He has new responsibilities, spiritual gifts, or experiences in faith that He wants to bring to me, but I have to be willing to go down the hall into the next room and continue to seek Him until I find Him again. It’s all for my own benefit and His. His heart is always for our good and for His kingdom purposes to be accomplished through us. He just does it His way, not ours. And that’s great because as He says in the Word, “Man’s wisdom is as foolishness to Him.” His ways are higher (and better) than ours.

So where is God right now in your life? In the same room or down the hall?

Monday, September 8, 2008

A Gray Day

Today was one of those days that I couldn't wait until it was over. Ever have one of those? Personally I do not like feeling I called one of my children to cheer her up (she had a bike accident today). As I sought for words to encourage her - guess what happened? I received encouragement. After hanging up the phone I was reminded of a story (it might have been in Guideposts) of a woman who was riding in an airplane. Looking out the window on one side of the plane she saw storm clouds and a darkened sky, but on the other side of the plane it was sunny and bright. She commented that life is like that. We can look at the dark circumstances in our lives and focus on them or we can choose to look at the bright side and be thankful for our blessings.

I Thessalonians 5:18 Thank God in everything (no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks) for this is the will of God for you who are in Christ.

I don't think this verse means we thank God because something bad happens, just that He wants us to be thankful for who He is, and what He has done for us, even in the midst of trying times.

Sometimes when things are not going well, I pick up a newspaper. As I look at the headlines about the crimes, chaos and disasters I thank God that as bad as my day has been, it could have been worse.

Which side of the plane are you looking out of today?

Monday, August 25, 2008

Looking for God's fingerprints...

Time is very important to me. I love to figure out how to do tasks more efficiently. When I was a teenager I read Cheaper by the Dozen and imagined myself becoming an efficiency expert one day. A number of years ago the realization came to me that as a Christian my time no longer belongs to me but to God. After transporting my children to school I decided to sit in my car in the school parking lot and give my day to God.

My 'to do' list for that morning included grocery shopping and some other errands - all planned out to make the most of my morning before heading home. But what if I gave my time to God? Would He have a different 'to do' list than mine? I decided to inquire and see what would happen. So there I sat in my car, offering up all my time that day to Him. "Is there anything You want me to do? I plan to get groceries, but if there is something else you would rather I do, please use my time. It's Yours." I sat and waited.

Within a short amount of time I began to think about a friend that I had not seen or talked to in many, many months. In fact, we normally connect by phone maybe twice a year, even though we live in the same city. The impression did not go away and I began to wonder if this was an assignment from God. Why not check it out? So I called her on my cell phone. What a total surprise to hear her ask, "Did God tell you to call me?" She had never asked me that before. I wasn't sure how to respond, but since I thought He might have, I said, "Well, yes." She started crying! I asked if she wanted me to come over and pray with her and she said yes. Later she explained that she was battling discouraging thoughts that morning and was crying out to God to help her. Then the phone rang and it was me. After we talked and prayed, a smile came across her face. She knew (and I knew) that it was God's perfect timing.

Then from her house I went on to a half price bookstore looking for something on my 'to do' list. There I ran into a woman from my friend's church, that I had not seen in quite some time, who was leaving for Hawaii the next day. She was trying to find a book (that I had told her about) before she left on her trip, but she couldn't remember the title. She didn't have my phone number and did not know how to contact me before she left. She was so excited to run into me at the store. (By the way, this store is about 40 minutes from my home - so it's not even near my neck of the woods). I gave her the information she needed. It was another God appointment.

I never did get my groceries that day, but I saw God's fingerprints on my time card. What a joy to serve Him with my time and to see other people being blessed by Him. I wonder how different our lives would be if we remembered every day to give God our time? How many more people would be blessed? It might be as simple as paying a fellow student a compliment, or helping someone pick up their dropped books.

John 10:10 says,
"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).

We can experience the abundant life that God wants for us as we give ourselves to Him and to others. When we do, I believe he will make our time more efficient, and we will be privileged to see Him bless others. Have you thought about giving Him your day? Look for His fingerprints on your 'to do' list - they are uniquely His. Try not to let the enemy steal your time with God through busyness, or let him steal the joy of serving God and others. Oh - and drop me a line about God's fingerprints on your life. Have a blessed day!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Let's Start Off With a Miracle...

A number of years ago I was playing 'picnic' on the floor with my children, putting all my weight on my right elbow as we feasted on plastic food and chased away imaginary ants. When I got up I realized that I had pulled the ligaments in my shoulder so severely that I couldn't lift my arm above mid-chest level without excruciating pain. My right arm felt floppy, like it was no longer attached securely to my shoulder. Instantly I knew that it would require surgery to fix it, but because I had been learning to seek God in all matters physical, I inquired of the Lord what to do in order to be healed, and felt that He was promising to heal it without the aid of the medical profession. But weeks later it was still so painful that I was unable to lift my arm. Anti-inflammatory pain medication did not help at all.

I continued to pray for healing and nothing seemed to be happening. Weeks followed into months and I continued to pray. I still sensed that God was going to heal my arm, but in the natural nothing seemed to be happening. Anger started to creep in at about six months as it made no sense to my rational mind why I was still in the same amount of pain. I struggled with doubt but continued to seek God. Finally at seven months I decided to 'confront' God with the lack of any tangible sign of healing. I got up at 5:30 am and locked myself in the bathroom for privacy from my family. There I cried out to God. "You said You would heal me, but I am no better off than the day I injured my arm. I need to do something about this. I need to know whether you are really going to heal me or not!" I am embarrassed to say that I was somewhat less than polite with God, out of frustration, but He was gracious to me. The Spirit of the Lord very firmly spoke to my spirit, "You ARE healed. Now start thanking Me for it." The firmness was convicting, not condemning. I was assured, although my human reasoning still could not quite grasp the concept of thanking God before receiving the healing.

For the next two weeks I obediently thanked God for the healing that seemed as distant as it was the first day I prayed. Then on a Saturday evening as I laid my head on my pillow, the Spirit of God again spoke to my spirit. "Tomorrow your arm will be healed." I awoke the next day and my arm was totally healed. I could raise it over my head, swing it around in circles and lift objects - all things which had been absolutely impossible the evening before. During our church service that morning a woman gave her testimony of being healed from a skiing accident that left her paralyzed from the neck down. This was the first time I had ever heard a testimony like that in our church. God's timing for my healing was amazing.

Mark 11:24 says, "For this reason I am telling you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe (trust and be confident) that it is granted to you, and you will (get it)."

God has many ways of healing our bodies - through the laying on of hands, being anointed with oil, through the prayers of friends. Sometimes He heals instantly, miraculously. But many healings are progressive, over time.

Be encouraged if you need healing. Keep seeking God. Read and meditate on the scriptures that talk about healing and believe that you will receive your healing. Here are some starters:

Jeremiah 30:17 I will restore health to you, and heal you of your wounds.

I Peter 2:24 He (Jesus Christ) personally bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed.

There are many others, so dig into your Bible.

Oh, and I am totally for seeing physicians. So please do not misinterpret this testimony as being against medical treatment. I was absolutely willing to do that, but God made it clear that He would be the Physician in this particular instance. If He had not been clear, I would have made an appointment for medical treatment right away.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Welcome to Faith Builder

To all who love the Lord -- Be encouraged! My goal is to post true stories from real life that highlight how awesome God is and how He works daily in our lives.

To those who do not know Him yet -- I hope that you will see Him in the testimonies that you read here on Faith Builder -- and get curious about who He is.

Feel free to comment. I trust you will do so with respect. Have a blessed day!
